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In the app Droste-Landschaft : Lyrikweg you will not only find the exhibition texts to read and listen to, location-specific audio pieces, area maps and historical images, but also interactive games to accompany you on the Poetry Path.
This cycling, walking and hiking trail connects the historical monuments Burg Hülshoff and Haus Rüschhaus, the two places where the poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff (1797–1848) lived and worked. Based on Droste's texts, the change in literature, nature and everyday culture can be experienced at 20 different places with information boards and QR-Codes along the way.
The path is about 7 km long in one direction. Public transportation will take you from Münster (Westfl.) main station to either Haus Rüschhaus or Burg Hülshoff.
Depending on how much time you have, how mobile you are or whether you want to focus on a particular theme – with this app you can plan your route in advance or on the go.
The Poetry Path works just as well as a whole as each exhibition venue on its own. Take a look inside and find out more!